What will your closing ceremony look like?

  • Legacy projects

    What you want to leave behind - helping you find ways to tell your unique story through a variety of creative mediums

  • Celebrations of life

    How you want to be remembered - creating ways to hold on to and share memories or opportunities to honor you and your life

  • Paperwork + Documentation

    What decisions you want made - documenting advance care directives and end of life decisions so that they are known

  • Alternatives

    How to honor yourself authentically - providing you with alternative resources regarding home funerals, green burial options, and other end of life choices

  • Comfort care

    Advocacy for you and your final wishes - ensuring that you are in charge and in comfort, including organizing care teams, sitting vigil, bedside yoga, reiki, breathwork, and more

  • Grief

    Holding space for you and your loved ones - providing compassionate listening and creative outlets for grief, so that you and your loved ones feel supported